adoptees, it’s possible


its possible

Return to your truth and reunite with your innate power.

adoptees, it’s possible to return to your truth and reunite with your innate power.

You are not broken, you are not alone.

The possibilities ahead of you are limitless, if you are willing to witness the pain, and move through the often unexpressed grief and suffering of adoption loss.

Let Us Be Greater is the guide you’ve been looking for.

this book is for you if…

you feel or have ever felt

  • Unable to express yourself

  • Disconnected

  • Rejected

  • Broken

  • Unseen

  • Abandoned

    • Like something is wrong with you

    • Like you are charity and not part of family

    • Like you lack a sense of identity

…you have ever wondered

  • Why do I feel disconnected and disengaged in my life?

  • Why do I stuff my feelings deep inside of myself?

  • Why do I throw up so many walls?

  • Who am I? Why do I feel like an alien, foreigner, outsider in my own life?

  • Why can’t I trust?

  • Why don’t I speak up for myself?

  • How can I stop the negative chatter in my head?

  • How can I find my purpose?

  • Should I tell my children that they’re adopted?

  • Should I change my adopted child’s name?

  • What if I don’t like my child’s birth parents? They’re my kids, not theirs, after all…

return to your truth and reunite with your innate power.

Reclaim your identity, connect to your purpose and feel fully alive.

Empowering adoptees and those that love them, Let Us Be Greater guides readers

through a transformative journey of healing, leveraging soulful modalities to raise adoptee consciousness and elevate the conversation around trauma-informed adoption.

I’m Michelle madrid

hi! im michelle madrid

what to do when you're not feeling yourself

My background is in broadcast journalism.

But my life’s work is about bringing women home to themselves.

After 12 years as a television news anchor, with a #1 show and Emmy nomination to boot, I walked away from my career to create real change in the lives of women like me.

Yes, I was born in the United Kingdom, and adopted by American parents who tried their best, but still needed to do much better.

Yes, I was the routine target of angry outbursts from my alcoholic adoptive father — and largely unseen by my emotionally exhausted adoptive mother.

Yes, I grew up feeling constantly alone, fundamentally wrong, and unloveable to the core.

And yes, I lived with a sticky residue of shame for years, and years, and years.

but i refused to drown in their darkness.

I’ve emerged as a woman who was made stronger and wiser by the experience of adoption, and who came to realize that what she truly needed, all along, was to love and accept herself.

this is my wish for every adopted person

As a little girl who traced those celestial lights in the night sky, I could never have imagined that I’d write a soul-healing book for adoptees. Yet, I’ve discovered that healing the soul and coming home to Self is the most transformational reunion an adoptee will ever have.

May this book illuminate the way toward every adoptee’s True North as they reunite with themselves on the deepest and most profound levels.