From hypervigilance to harmony
Michelle explores the journey from hypervigilance to inner peace and shares the 5-5-5 Grounding Practice, a simple yet transformative tool to help you anchor in the present moment and reclaim your sense of safety.
It’s okay to have Grace and teeth
In this blog, Michelle shares how to balance grace with strength—embracing forgiveness without sacrificing boundaries. She offers a simple, empowering practice to help you reclaim your voice and show up with “grace and teeth.”
When Love Hurts
Michelle reflects on her journey of unboxing the past, realizing that adoption wasn’t the only source of her feelings of abandonment, fear, and uncertainty. She invites readers to explore how their own pasts may shape their present in unexpected ways.
Unburdened: the journey to wholeness
Michelle shares reflections from last week’s gathering for Adoptee Remembrance Day.
A Truth We Don’t Often Talk About
Michelle invites you to unlock the boxes within you that you've tucked away and labeled “Too Painful,” “Not Worth Sharing,” or “No One Needs to Know.”
An Electric Truth-Bomb on healing
Michelle shares a heart-to-heart conversation about the pressures we can feel to “hurry up and heal.”
The Game-changing power of patience
Michelle talks about how to plug into the power of patience and shares a simple yet effective exercise for finding it in moments of frustration.
Those messy moments of parenting!
Michelle offers insight into her own parenting journey and the lessons she’s learned on the importance of embracing challenging moments as opportunities for self-discovery.
Speaking Through Tears
In this raw and real sharing, Michelle plugs into harnessing emotional power and positivity even in life’s darkest moments.
An Electric Reframe for Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt seized by the imposter police? Fearful that you don't belong in certain circles? It's a feeling of inadequacy that can dim your light. In this episode of Electrici-TV, Michelle helps you reframe imposter syndrome. What does it really mean, after all?
An Electric Exercise of Living in the Both/And
Have you ever viewed a situation or challenge in terms of either/or thinking? Did you find a sense of harmony or did that moment feel more rigid and hopeless?
An Electric Exercise in Self Love
Welcome to Electrici-TV! I am so excited to share with you the amazing self-love exercise I learned while in Mexico. This ritual is a simple and practical practice that you can try anytime…
The Electricity of Your Ikigai
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being.”… I want to share with you what I define as the 2 main points of light in discovering your reason for being, your purpose and your calling in this life.
The Electricity of You: A Guided Visualization
Have you ever heard yourself say, “I don’t feel like myself?” Know that you’re not alone — many people feel this way throughout their lives (myself included)…