The Electricity of Your Ikigai


Have you heard of Ikigai? No?! Most of us haven’t. 

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being.” I first read about this concept in a little book called, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. Today on Electrici-TV, I want to share with you what I define as the 2 main points of light in discovering your reason for being, your purpose and your calling in this life. If you ever ask yourself, “Why do I feel like I’m not real?”, it may be because you haven’t yet connected with your Ikigai — your real reason for being. 

My hope is that this episode teaches you how to better pay attention to the signs that show up for you - those things that make you curious and strike a spark within you - those moments that leave you feeling immersed in joy (even if for a second). These are the glimmering and shimmering clues directing you toward what you feel is important to you. And, if it’s important to you — plug in! 

it just may be a sign that youre getting closer and closer to your ikigai.


An Electric Exercise in Self Love


The Electricity of You: A Guided Visualization